
Blue Lines

Page 98


Erik wasn’t the man he had been three months ago. His walls were crumbling. He was a stronger man who was beginning to believe in himself. He might find other women attractive—hell, he might even want to be buried deep inside them—but he knew he wouldn’t. He had numerous chances in the past week and he still only wanted Piper. At one time he thought that maybe it would pass. Maybe he would get over her, but seeing her the other day confirmed that he would never get over her.
He needed her.
It pissed him the f**k off that it had taken him so long to realize this. Now all he had to worry about was if she would reject him. Piper was a fireball, stubborn, and even though she was forgiving, would she forgive him for what he had put them through?
Looking over at the female who was saying she loved the way he handled his stick, he said, “Thanks, but excuse me.”
“Erik?” Phillip asked as Erik passed by him, but he didn’t stop; he only shook his head before he said, “I want my wife, only my wife.” Erik called for Stanley and started down the hall as Phillip chuckled behind him.
He entered his room feeling like a ten-pound weight was lifted from his chest. Closing the door, he bent down and picked his phone up from off the floor. He didn’t know what he was going to say; he just wanted to hear her voice.
He missed it, and he missed her.
Erik tried to focus as he glanced down at his phone, his fingers shaking as he slowly typed out a message to Piper. It was late, but he couldn’t wait.
I miss you, and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
He laid his phone down, smiling at the thought of her reading his text the following morning, but to his surprise, she wrote right back.
Are you drunk?
Erik looked down at his phone and took in a deep breath.
Okay, well go to sleep, don’t do this.
Do what?
Drunk text me, you don’t want to do that.
But I do. I want to know, he typed quickly, what do you think of me?
Why do you want to know that? Why are you doing this? It isn’t fair to both of us.
I’m sorry.
It’s fine, just go to sleep.
Erik glanced down at the phone, his heart aching for her as he typed, I miss you.
What? I do.
No, you are drunk.
Yes I am but it doesn’t ease the pain. I miss you so much it hurts.
Waiting for her response, he smiled when it came.
I miss you, too.
Can we talk at the wedding? He typed quickly; thankfully he didn’t have to wait long before his phone went off again with only one word.
His smile couldn’t get any bigger as he stared down at the simple word. It was the beginning of his future. He had been so confused about their relationship, but now he was 100 percent confident that things were going to work out. Because no matter what, Piper Titov was going to be his wife and she was going to know that he loved her with every cell in his body.
Chapter 25
Standing in her sleek teal bridesmaid’s dress, Piper moved from side to side trying to keep her legs from falling asleep. She was aching and tired from the night before. The Braxton Hicks contractions were occurring more frequently and they drove her insane. She didn’t understand why she was having them so often, because Audrey and Fallon hadn’t even had one yet. Piper was having them almost every day and that worried her.
Turning slowly, she noticed that Audrey was watching her.
Piper smiled as Audrey said, “You okay?”
“I’m fine, Audrey. I promise. I’ve been having fake contractions, that’s all.”
Audrey made a face as she came closer to her. “Okay, but let me know if you aren’t, though. Even if it is during the wedding, just sit down, I don’t care. I want you to be okay.”
Piper smiled. “Won’t happen, I’m fine. Stop looking at me like that.”
Audrey smiled, wrapping her arm around Piper’s shoulders. She leaned her head against Piper’s and smiled as they looked at each other through the mirror. Audrey looked perfect, like a pregnant Cinderella ready for her ball. Piper was sure that she had never seen Audrey look more gorgeous than she did at that moment.
“It isn’t that.”
“What is it then?” Piper asked, somewhat concerned.
Audrey wouldn’t look at her as she moved her fingers together. She took in a deep breath before looking up at Piper. “I wanted to call you this morning when I heard this but I figured it would be better if we talked face-to-face.”
“Okay, what?” Piper’s heart began racing from the way Audrey was acting.
“I heard that Erik has been living with Phillip and I didn’t want to believe it because I was sure my best friend would tell me if her husband wasn’t living with her anymore.”
Piper’s guilt made it hard for her to swallow. She had known this moment would come and if Audrey had known the extent of everything she would have felt even more upset.
“I haven’t told you because I haven’t told anyone. I’ve been a little out of it.”
Audrey said softly, “I understand that, but I could have helped somehow.”
Piper tried to lighten the tone of their conversation. “No, there is no helping me. I’m at rock bottom with Adele blaring and a lot of Oreos and pickles.”
“Well, I know that you’ll be fine. You are one of the strongest people I know. You could raise a baby, draw a mural, and work on a book, all while singing and dancing. You are resilient.”