

Page 32


“I think a little space would do us some good, anyway. And I have to work this afternoon. I won’t be home until late.”
“Will you come over when you get off?” Bryce asked.
“Yeah...I think so.” And then he rolled over and stood up. When Bryce looked at him, Nick’s face was slightly pink.
“You’re blushing.”
“You’re naked, and I just jerked off while telling you I like edging myself and playing with my balls. So, yes, I’m blushing.”
“I like it.”
Nick picked up a pillow and hit him in the face with it. “I know you do.”
Nick turned, looking around before a, “hey,” slipped out of Bryce’s mouth.
“I don’t know why this is happening. I know it’s kind of fucked, and that neither of us really knows what in the hell we’re doing here, or what it means for us. We’ll figure it out, though. No obligation, okay?”
Nick didn’t speak for the longest time. So long that Bryce thought maybe he was going to tell him right then that whatever the hell they were doing was already over. But then he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Bryce’s lips before grabbing the shorts he’d taken off and wiping his stomach off with them.
“Grab another pair out of the drawer,” Bryce told him.
When Nick replied with a “thank you,” Bryce knew he wasn’t thanking him for the clothes.
Okay, so it was a whole hell of a lot easier not to dwell and overthink things when an orgasm was in the imminent future. With his hand on his dick, or Bryce’s tongue in his mouth, the pleasure pushed away most of his logical thought. Now was a totally different story. As Nick showered, brushed his teeth, got dressed, drove to work, the fact that he’d had two orgasms with another man wouldn’t leave his mind.
The kicker was that Nick wasn’t freaking out over it. That didn’t mean he wasn’t confused, scared, nervous, stressed out over what it meant, but even though all those thoughts crowded his head, it wasn’t enough to make him want to stop...whatever this was.
Because there was something about Bryce. They’d connected quickly, yeah, on a friendship level at first, but it was almost like the transition to something more was inevitable. Like he couldn’t have stopped the progression if he wanted to.
He still didn’t know what that meant—if he was gay, if they were serious or just fucking around, or a hundred other things he was unsure of—but he did know that he wanted to explore more of whatever this was with Bryce. He couldn’t walk away.
He didn’t want to tell anyone about it, though. It would mess things up. My family will never understand.
“Umm...Nick? You’re burning—”
“Oh shit!” Nick jerked the pan off the burner when the waitress snapped him out of his Bryce-related thoughts. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever burned something.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah...” He thought so. Bryce was quickly becoming a constant distraction in his head, something he’d never experienced before. “Just a long day, and I didn’t get much sleep last night.” While I was in another man’s bed for the first time...
He really needed to get his shit together. All they’d done was jack off together and Nick was acting like a love-sick kid. “Give me a minute and I’ll get this fixed up.”
Nick managed to keep his head in the game for the next hour or so. Since it was Tuesday, the dinner rush slowed down early tonight. When he could, he announced he was taking a quick break and started making his way back to his office.
As soon as his ass hit the chair, he pulled out his cell phone to call Bryce, only it started ringing before he got the chance.
Well, shit. The last person he wanted to speak to was his ex-wife, but it wasn’t as though she called him much anymore, so maybe something was wrong. “Hello?”
“Hey, Nick. It’s Jill. How are you?”
Did she really think he didn’t know who it was considering she hadn’t changed her cell phone number when they divorced? “I’m fine. How are you?” There was a large part of him that didn’t want to have a conversation with her, but he also wasn’t the type of man to be rude to someone like that. Yeah, they had their bad history, but if she called, he figured he should listen.
“I’m doing wonderful, actually. Life is great. I’m happy...I’m working on a few things as well. Do you have a minute?”