

Page 70


When the silence stretched on, Nick pulled his hands away from his face to look at his sister again. Karrie was always strong. In a lot of ways, the strongest Fuller child. She was a realist, and she didn’t let her emotions run her; but now, when he looked at her, he saw her chin quiver and tears run down her face. She was sad...hurt, making his stomach drop. He didn’t expect this from her. He didn’t think he would lose Karrie. Maybe it was a possibility with the rest of them, but not her. “Karrie...” Don’t do this, Karrie. I need you.
“It won’t be easy.” Her voice was nothing more than a soft whisper.
“I know. We both do.” Everything about this was a learning experience for both Nick and Bryce.
“Mom’s going to have a hard time with it. I’ve never been anything other than honest with you, and I’m not going to change that now. I’m not sure she’s going to be able to accept this. She struggled to accept your wife, and this is... this is a man. I know it shouldn’t matter. Love is love; but it’ll matter to her.”
It was completely the wrong time for this, but Nick smiled. It wasn’t just any man, either. It was Bryce. Bryce, who laughed all the time and had no filter. He said inappropriate things, and didn’t take life seriously. His mom would hate those qualities in anyone...but they’re what grabbed ahold of Nick and held him. They’re what made him laugh every fucking day of his life since he met the man. “It’ll be even worse when she meets him.”
“So you want her to, then. This is serious. You want to introduce him to Mom. You’re sure?”
It wasn’t even a question for him. “Yes. I’m not stupid. I know this isn’t what she’ll want or expect. I know she’s going to struggle with it. I’m sure she’s not the only one, but I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”
Nick didn’t realize he needed his sister’s smile so much until she finally gave it to him. “Then I guess we need to make her understand, Nick-o. You’re in love with him. I can see it in your eyes. We’ll make it work. No matter what, we want you to be happy. Sounds like this man does that for you. That’s all that matters to me.”
“He does.” Nick stood, moved to his sister, and pulled her up and into his arms. “Thank you, Karrie. I need you by my side on this.”
She started to cry again as she squeezed him tightly. “I’m always by your side. You’re my little brother. The prodigal boy.  Our family wouldn’t be complete without you.”
Nick’s chest vibrated with laughter.
“I love you, Nick-o.”
“I love you, Karrie.”
Bryce sat in his office on his lunch break. Nick was with his sister today, and Bryce was nervous as hell for him. If Nick’s family wasn’t on board with them...what if Nick couldn’t be, either? What if it was too much, and Nick decided to walk away?
“Jesus Christ, I’m turning into a sap.” Bryce picked up his phone and called Christi.
She answered the phone saying, “You know, I heard women all want a gay guy for their best friend. I’m still not sure what’s so special about it. So far, it’s the same as having anyone for a best friend. Aren’t you supposed to do something cool?”
Bryce rolled his eyes. Of course Christi would have something like that to say. “Ha ha. You’re funny. Is that true? Women want a gay best friend?”
“I don’t know. I’ve heard things like that. You could be my shiny new toy.”
“You suck.”
“Ha! You do, too, now!”
Bryce’s mood lifted as he laughed at her. “You’re an asshole, Chris.”
“Ooh! We get to talk about assholes next?”
He knew she was joking, but sex was the last thing he wanted to talk about. Even if it was with his female ex-wingman. Bryce rubbed a hand over his face. “Please, no sex talk. I don’t have it in me to go there today.”
Christi paused for a second before saying, “Wow. That’s a first. So, the sex isn’t good, huh? Who would have thought hot neighbor Nick wouldn’t be good in the sack.”
Jesus, he was going to kill the woman. Bryce groaned. “First of all, please stop calling my boyfriend hot. He is, but it pisses me off when you say it. Second, Nick has no problems in bed. He makes me come so hard my head spins. He’s not the problem, I am.” Fuck. He hadn’t meant to say that. He knew Christi would never let it go.
“First of all, don’t go all Neanderthal on me. Nick’s hot. You’re my best friend. Calling him hot doesn’t mean anything. Second, awww, you called him your boyfriend! And third, what’s wrong, Bry? There’s a big percentage of the population who can vouch for the fact that you don’t have problems in bed, and I’m one of them. Which is another reason you shouldn’t care if I call him hot. He has to live with the fact that we’ve slept together and were in a relationship. That can’t be easy on Nick.”