

Page 72


Bryce had to eat. Nick knew he didn’t usually eat until around one, so he hoped he’d make it before that. If not, oh well, it wasn’t a big deal since it got him out of the house before he went fucking insane.
The garage doors were open when Nick pulled in. He saw Bryce right away, sitting next to a bike on a ramp with his hands under it.
Unlike the other time he was here, there were at least five other people around—some workers—and it looked like a customer was here to check on his bike.
Shit, now he felt like an idiot for bringing Bryce his lunch. No one outside of family and Christi knew about them. Would it be obvious when Nick brought him a home-cooked lunch?
What the hell was he doing here?
Maybe he could pull out and no one would notice.
He glanced up at Bryce again, only this time Bryce was looking at his car. He hadn’t moved from the bike, but he smiled and nodded Nick over. Obviously there was no chickening out now, so he got out of the car, leaving the lunch on the seat, and walked over.
Bryce stood, oil and grease stains all over his hands and pants, before walking over. “Hey. What are you doing here?” They spoke softly, not loud enough for anyone in the garage to hear.
“I was going fucking crazy at home. I brought you lunch.”
“Great. I’m starved.” Bryce looked down at Nick’s hands. “Where is it?”
Oh yeah. Back to feeling like an idiot. “I left it in the car. I wasn’t sure if you’d want me to bring it out to you in front of everyone. I know we’ve talked a little bit about...” Fuck. Why was this so hard? “Making our relationship more obvious, but I wasn’t sure if people here should know, or if we wanted to wait a little while before we went public or not. I—”
“Fair warning so you don’t punch me this time. I’m going to kiss you and tell them you brought me lunch. We’ll go eat it in my office and then everyone here will know. Okay?”
Nick liked the sound of that more than he should. “Yeah, okay. I wasn’t sure how you felt about it.”
“Until right now, I wasn’t sure, either.” And then Bryce did exactly as he said. He leaned in and pressed his lips to Nick’s mouth—just a few soft kisses and then he pulled away.
Every pair of eyes in the garage was on them when they turned around. Every one. Nick felt naked, cut open, exposed; but he didn’t turn away.
“Nick brought me lunch. Be fucking jealous, because he’s an incredible cook. We’re going to go eat in my office. I’ll be back in a little while.”
There were a few nods, a few mumbled okays, but Nick could see they were all in shock. Welcome to the fucking club.
“I’m going to go clean up. Meet me in the office.” Bryce went inside without another word, so Nick didn’t have a choice except to go back to the car, grab the food and head to Bryce’s office.
Nick stepped inside and set the container on Bryce’s desk before sitting in one of the chairs.
They’d just kissed in front of people at his work. That meant this was getting more real.
“Hey.” Bryce closed the door behind him and sat at his desk. “What is it?”
“Smoked apple pork chops with garlic roasted potatoes and grilled red wine brussel sprouts.”
“You’re going to make me fat,” Bryce teased, as though they hadn’t just kissed in front of his shop. “Thanks for this. I wish you would have brought yours and eaten with me, though.”
“How do you do that? You just go for it, just react, and not think of the consequences?” Nick asked, envious of Bryce’s ability to be so carefree.
Bryce opened the container of food and then sat back. “I guess because I don’t take anything seriously. That’s what my mom thinks, at least.” His voice was filled with sharp irritation.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Well, it sounded like it.”
“Fuck you, Bryce. Don’t twist the meaning of my words. I’ve dealt with that shit from Jill, and even my family. I won’t deal with it from you.”
“Shit.” Bryce shook his head, scratched the back of his neck. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m nervous about tonight, so I’m on edge. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. As for the other thing, I don’t know. Maybe my mom’s right and I do just react and not take things seriously enough. Was that bad? What I did out there? I was trying to show you that we’re moving forward and that I’m okay with it. I want our relationship. To do that, people need to know. Overthinking it won’t change anything, but if you don’t want that, tell me now.”