

Page 63


“Come on.”
A rough hand is on my shoulder, but it’s offering the softest touch. It’s Krypt. He helps me up and his arms go around me. I give myself a moment to bury my face in his chest, breathing him in. Just taking a second to allow comfort into my heart. He holds me like that for a few minutes, before pulling back.
“We’re goin’ to fix this.”
“It’s all my fault,” I croak. “If it wasn’t for me-”
“Don’t fuckin’ do that,” he warns. “Don’t you dare put this shit on yourself. Maddox found you, Maddox made it his mission to find your sister, you can’t start doin’ that blame game. We need you strong.”
I swallow and nod, forcing my emotions back down. I return to the SUV, crawling in beside Maddox. I don’t care about the blood, or the smell, or the fact that he’s hurt. I tuck myself into his side, and I don’t move until Tyke brings the doctor.
“There’s too much injury. He needs hospital.”
There’s a tall, fat Mexican doctor examining Maddox in the back of the car. Mack paid good money for the man to come out here.
“Listen to me, buddy,” Krypt growls, getting in his face. “You do what you can to hold him out or you don’t get the fuckin’ cash.”
The doctor stares at him, his eyes narrowed, but does as he’s told and turns back to Maddox.
“I can stitch...and align bone...but there might be bleeding...”
He’s got a thick accent, and not so great English...but it’s enough.
“Do what you can.”
Krypt turns, not giving him another option. The doctor does what he can, cleaning Maddox and stitching wounds. He puts any broken bones he can in bandages after aligning them, and gives him a few injections. I don’t know what, but they seem to calm his breathing.
“This all I can do,” he says.
Mack hands him a fuck load of cash, I stare with wide eyes but don’t argue. The doctor takes it, nods, and leaves. Krypt turns to the group.
“Time to go home. It’s also time you all fuckin’ pray that he makes it.”
I’m praying.
I haven’t stopped.
2014 - Santana
I’d never thought being home would bring me so much joy. The relief I feel when we touch down is so overwhelming, I drop my head into my hands and force my emotions down. Pippa is beside me, here eyes wide as she takes it all in. The pilot’s second in command, and the owner of this plane, comes out, glancing down at Maddox once the plane has touched down.
“If I didn’t respect him so damned much, I would have never let him con me into flyin’ you mob over there.”
I don’t know much about Jeremiah, the man who owns the plane. All I know is he’s got a fuck load of money and travels the world for work. He doesn’t like flying airlines, so he got his own plane. Maddox helped him at one point, and Jeremiah owed him. I’m thankful for him, regardless of how he feels about us now.
“Thank you,” Mack says, offering his hand.
Jeremiah takes it, and glances at Maddox who we had to strap down to the floor so he wouldn’t be jerked around with turbulence. “Take care of him,” he says. “And tell him he owes me, now.”
Mack nods, and orders the guys to get Maddox off. I don’t leave his side; I help them down the stairs. The moment we’re out, I see Ash and Indi, both of them waiting anxiously. The moment Ash sees Krypt she lets out a pained cry and runs towards him. They meet in a tangle of arms and legs. My chest aches.
Indi stares at Zaid, her eyes watering, her hand over her mouth. He stares right back at her, and then she drops to her knees. He’s by her side in a second, scooping her into his big arms and nuzzling his nose into her neck. She’s holding him tightly, I can tell even from this far. A cool hand slips into mine, and I look down to see Pippa, holding onto me.
“He’s going to be okay.”
I nod, my eyes burning...but no tears slip out.
“I know.”
He’s made it this far. It was a bumpy ride, and a few times on the flight his breathing become gurgled and shallow. I held onto his limp hand, begging him to keep fighting. I lay awake with him when everyone else slept, my hand never leaving his. I don’t care if I die from exhaustion, I won’t leave his side.
Ash lets go of Krypt and rushes towards me. The moment she reaches me, she throws her arms around my neck and I let her. Indi is there in seconds, and together we all hold each other. I bite back my tears, still not letting them go. Not until he’s safe. We finally pull apart and Ash turns her eyes to Pippa, and they soften.
“You must be Pippa,” she says, extending her hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Ash.”
Pippa hesitates, staring at me. I nod softly to her and she takes Ash’s hand, shaking it wearily. Ash doesn’t hold back, she wraps Pippa in a hug. The look on my sister’s face would make me smile any other time. She looks both overwhelmed and humbled. Ash pulls back but keeps an arm around her. “Come on, I’ll bring you back to my place and you can rest.”
Pippa looks to me again. “It’s okay, honey. Ash will take good care of you, I promise you that. I’m going to be at the hospital.”
“I promise I’ll bring you as soon as you’ve rested,” Ash assures Pippa.
Pippa nods. “O-o-okay.”
I hug her, whispering into her ear, “Trust them, they’ll be as much your family as they are mine.”