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She squeezes me tighter, but she’s a strong girl. Stronger than she looks. She pulls back and Ash gives me a warm smile before leading her away. We all separate then – Krypt calling an ambulance. They arrive twenty minutes later, asking a lot of questions but not getting a lot of answers. They take Maddox all the same. Mack and I follow in a cab and the guys that are injured come along also. Austin is quite sick, so he went in the ambulance. The rest of them go back to the club.
The moment we arrive at the hospital, doctors swarm Maddox, whisking him off. A tall man, probably around fifty years old, stops me before we make our way to the waiting room. His cool fingers curl around my arm. “Miss, I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
Mack steps in. “She ain’t givin’ you any information.”
The doctor flicks his eyes towards him, but I step in before he can say anything.
“About his condition, I’ll answer your questions.”
The doctor nods, still giving Mack a weary look. He turns to me. “Can you tell me what exactly happened to him?”
“There’s only a few people that, ah, know,” I turn to Mack. “You might need to call Krypt.”
He nods, taking out his phone and disappearing.
“He’s been stitched, his bones very basically aligned. Who did that?” The doctor asks when Mack is gone.
“I can’t tell you that, but he was a doctor.”
“You don’t need to be afraid of me, I can help...”
“Please,” I say, giving him a hard stare. “I’m safe and well. I need you to focus on that man in there.”
He closes his eyes a second, opens them and takes a deep breath. “Very well. Can you tell me as much as you know?”
I do. I give him everything I’ve got. Mack comes back twenty minutes later with a list that makes my stomach turn. Kicked, punched, starved, broken bones, and a stab wound that was explained so horrifically, my legs give way. Twisted. Inside him. Oh God. Mack kneels when my knees hit the cold tile, and his arm goes around me. “She needs help, too.”
“Bring her in, I’ll check her over,” the doctor says.
Mack lifts me, carrying me into the room. I don’t fight. The very thought of Maddox having a knife driven into his chest, and twisted, makes my stomach turn so violently, I gasp out, “I’m going to be sick.”
The doctor has a little bag in front of me in a matter of seconds. I throw up into it, Mack still holding me. He lays my body down onto the bed, and the doctor checks me out. He’s happy with how my leg has been dealt with, but says I need to spend at least a night. That’s fine; I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.
“When will he get out of surgery?” I croak before the doctor leaves. “How long until I know if he’s okay?”
“It’s going to be a good, solid four hours. Get some rest. I’ll let you know the moment I know anything.”
I nod. “Thank you.”
He nods in return, and leaves. Mack pulls the covers back, not giving me a choice but to lay in them. A nurse comes in a few minutes later, connecting me to a drip at the doctor’s request. She also gives me an injection. When she’s gone, I slide into the cool sheets. Mack sits beside me, and he looks exhausted.
“Your leg?” I croak, noticing on the plane that he was injured.
“It’s nothin’, I’ll get it fixed soon.”
“Sleep,” he says, ignoring my protest. “You need it.”
“I can’t...if I close my eyes I’ll see him like that and-”
My voice breaks.
“He’s in the best hands now. You gotta rest, Tana. If he wakes and you’re not...”
“I know,” I whisper.
He strokes a thumb over my cheek.
“Will you...please...just lie with me?”
He doesn’t hesitate; I guess he just knows I need it. He climbs into the bed, tucking me into his arms.
And together, we sleep.
Still praying.
2014 – Santana
I curl against the man I adore, my fingers running up and down his heavily bandaged chest. I’ve been sitting with him for three hours now, at least, that’s how long I think it’s been since he came out of surgery. The doctor said he’s critical, but stable. The next twenty-four hours will tell. Hell, if he wakes up will be a big enough sign of things to come.
I’m tucked into him, tubes and wires gently resting on me. The doctors tried to move me; I told them there was no way in hell I was moving and that they’d have to carry me out. They adjusted things around me and this is where I’ve been sitting since. I still haven’t cried. Ash and Krypt came in, and Ash told me just how bad it is that I haven’t cried.
I know.
But he needs me to be strong.
Ash told me Pippa is at Maddox’s house, with four of the guys standing guard. Indi is with her, but apparently she fell asleep and has been that way ever since. I’m glad she’s getting rest. I’m just glad she’s with me. Things have been so hard; I can’t lose the man I love when I just got my sister back. I won’t trade one for the other.
He has to make it.
I close my eyes, breathing him in. I’ve been praying for him to wake, hell, to move. He hasn’t. He’s been steadily breathing, though. I figure that has to count for something. Mack has been in and out; the poor man looks exhausted even after our sleep. None of us will get the rest we need until Maddox wakes.